We strive to be not only a reliable and quality partner for all our customers, who can provide them with a turnkey solution, but we also strive to build business relationships on mutual friendship and trust.
Since 2002
we have been performing overhauls of presses for Continental Matador Truck Tires s. r. o., Púchov and since 2009 also for Continental Matador Rubber s. r. o., Púchov.
Until 2007
we worked on our own construction design, production, assembly, commissioning and launch of the so-called automatic press plant in CMTT, Púchov NRM Autolock 62“.
Cooperation with ABB company
In the installation robotized workplaces in the automotive and rubber industry. Machine-assembly, electrical installation and hardware assembly.
Lozorno Plastik omnium Púchov Continental Matador Truck Tires
Previous projects realized in Continental Matador Truck Tires s. r. o. and Continental Matador Rubber s.r.o. Púchov
installation of the Mitsubishi ORP, Krupp 45`` ORP, Krupp 52`` ORP presses in CMR Púchov
installation of Herstal 57``, POMINI 62``, NRM 62``, NRM HPC presses in CMTT Púchov
automatic shifting of VDP - 160 H trucks of the raw housings to the presses
production of EHB trucks for overhead conveyor, transport of raw semi-finished products in the manufacture and CMTT Púchov pressing plant
transfer, assembly of KM PU manufacture lines for ORP
assembly of SIEMENS conveyor systems
installation of YXLON X-ray
testing of KOBELCO installation uniformity for the diagnostics of finished NP products
manufacture, supply of bins for ORP raw housings
manufacture, installation of SICK safety barriers for CMTT and CMR Púchov
overhauls of VHL 45`` ORP, VHL 42`` ORP presses for CMR Púchov
overhauls of Škoda Rotava 63,5`` and Herstal 57`` presses for CMTT Púchov
The references to the work results of the SOMPRA s. r. o. in the above-mentioned companies can be obtained from the following workers:
Ing. Miroslav Virga – TI Director, CMTT Púchov
Ing. Daniel Prílesan – TI Specialist, CMTT Púchov
Ján Ondrišík - Head of the PLT, CMR, Púchov maintenance department
Ing. Ľuboš Slávik - Project Engineer, CMTT, Púchov
Ing. Valter Vlasatý - Head of the Department for the Technical Preparation of Maintenance, CMR, Púchov
Ing. Milan Panáček - Project Engineer, CMTT, Púchov
Ing. Miroslav Kučík Project Engineer, CMTT, Púchov
Ing. Dalibor Hochla - Production Base Development Department, CMR, Púchov
Ing. Jozef Buday - Project Engineer, CMTT, Púchov
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